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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original and unpublished and it is not being submitted to another journal.

  • The manuscript is being presented in strict compliance with the journal guidelines.

  • The main manuscript is being submitted as WORD file (doc or docx format).


    The manuscript is also being submitted as a PDF (portable document format), and has been attached as additional document under the title “manuscript PDF”.


  • I am aware that the submission document may omit any information that might identify the authors.
  • I am aware that I must include all authors when filling out “Step 2: submission data”.
  • The receipt of the submission fee has been included under “transfer of additional documents”.
  • The statement of insti­tutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) (or equivalent) has been included under “transfer of additional documents”.
  • I am aware about the content of the item “Publication Malpractice”.

Author Guidelines

Authors guidelines

1.       General instructions

Ars Veterinaria Journal publishes original and unpublished scientific articles that contribute significantly to the development of Veterinarian and Zootecnical Sciences. Manuscript publication  depends on strict compliance with editorial guidelines and on reviews by ad hoc reviewers and the Editorial Board as well. Views and concepts stated in the papers are authors entire responsibility. Reviewing procedures are impartial and entirely confidential. There will be no identification between authors and reviewers.

The manuscripts should be submitted exclusively on-line in the ARS Veterinaria home-page according to the following guidelines:

The submission fee (required for submission procedures) of  R$ 50.00 reais (fifty reais) should be deposited in the one of the banks below in favor of  FUNEP - Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão, CNPJ: 50.511.286/0001-48:

ü  Banco Santander: 033, Agência: 0023, Conta  Corrente (checking account): 13.000738-3

ü  Banco do Brasil: 001, Agência: 0269-0, Conta Corrente (checking account):3755-9,

ü  Banco HSBC: 399, Agência: 1264, Conta Corrente (checking account): 03137-72

ü  Banco Bradesco: 237, Agência: 0394-8, Conta Corrente (checking account): 28394-0

ü  Banco Itaú: 341, Agência: 0232, Conta Corrente (checking account): 25377-3


The submission fee receipt should be scanned and attached as “receipt” when the manuscript is submitted under the option “transfer of additional documents”.

Once the manuscript has been approved, a publication fee of R$ 120.00 (one hundred and twenty reais in 2013) per printed page will be charged.


The manuscripts will be reviewed by ad hoc reviewers nominated by a Scientific Committee of Ph.D. professionals from different areas, under the Editorial Board of ARS Veterinaria. The Editor-in-chief and the Scientific Committee, in special cases, may decide on the publication of the manuscript.


2.       Manuscript format


2.1.         Full article


The text should be typed in Microsoft Word (file extension “doc”) in Times New Roman 12, double space (except for Resumo/ Abstract and the Tables that should be 1.5 space), left and right, top and bottom margins should be 2.5 cm and the text should be justified left and right.  The manuscript may contain up to 25 pages. The lines (lines should be numbered as follows: TOOLS/ LINE NUMBERING/ SHOW NUMBERING/ INTERVAL) and pages should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numbers, page number should appear on the right bottom corner of the page.


The manuscript should be sent as a single file, with tables, figures and captions placed at the end of the text (WORD file - doxc or docx). Together with the WORD file, the manuscript should be attached also as a Portable Document File (PDF) during the submission process under the option “transfer of additional document”.


It should be reminded that authors in order to warrant a “blind” submission, where the authors are not identified, should not name authors and institutions in the WORD file, as well as the section MATERIALS AND METHODS should omit any data that identify the authorship of the work. 


At the end of the reviewing process, after manuscript approval, the Journal will ask the authors to send the files for editing and printing. 


2.1.1.   Manuscript preparation


The manuscript should be divided into sections with central headlines (except for RESUMO and SUMMARY, which should be placed to the left), in bold, uppercase letters and following the order: RESUMO, SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (which can be together or separated), CONCLUSIONS (optional) and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (when it applies) and REFERENCES.

Paragraphs should start at 1.0 cm from the left margin.



It should be precise and informative. Fifteen words are ideal and maximum of 25. Letters should be bold, uppercase and centralized, as follows:


It should have the superscript “1” only if the research has been financed.

After the title in the language of the manuscript, there should be another title in the second language (English or Portuguese), which should also be centralized, between parenthesis and italic, uppercase letters).



A maximum of six authors should be listed, starting with initials followed by period and space, and the full last name (Ex: J. A. COSTA). Any other collaborators should be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section. 

Author names should be separated by comma, centralized and bold, with superscript and footnotes indicating author affiliation. It should not contain author employment details, profession or titles. Mailing address should be given to all authors, while corresponding author should also have e-mail address and be identified by an asterisk after footnote number.



It should contain a maximum of 1,800 characters, including spaces. The information given in the summary should be precise and informative. It should summarize objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions. It should not contain introduction and references.

The text should be justified and typed in a single paragraph and space 1.5.



It should be on the second page in Portuguese. The text should also be justified and space 1.5. If the authors are not familiar with the Portuguese language, Ars Veterinaria will provide the translation



Up to six (6) keywords should be given in alphabetical order, immediately after SUMMARY and RESUMO, respectively. They should be chosen in order to facilitate quick identification of the paper by search engines. Words already in the title should be avoided. They should be typed with the first letters uppercase and separated by periods.



It must contain no more than 2,500 characters, including spaces. Citation of several references for the same subject should be avoided. Manuscripts with extensive introduction will be returned to be adequate to the guidelines. 



It should contain a clear and specific original reference of all biological, analytical and statistical procedures. Any modifications should be explained.

In the case of experimental work involving animals, after the appropriate description of procedures, it should be explicitly mentioned the approval of the experiment by the local ethics committee or similar.



Results and discussion can be a single item. The discussion should interpret concise and clearly the results and combine both, the results from the literature and research, in order to present the reader with a wide basis to accept or reject the tested hypothesis. Loose paragraphs and citations of low importance should be avoided.



It can be presented as a separated topic or at the end of the DISCUSSION section. It must be typed as a single paragraphs and contain no more that 1,000 characters, including spaces.

They should not be a repetition of the results. They should also be directed towards the readers that are not necessarily from the animal science area. They should explain clearly, without abbreviations, acronyms or citations, the meaning of the results as a whole to animal science. 



It must be placed immediately after the conclusions.


Abbreviations, symbols and units

Abbreviations, symbols and units should be listed as follows:

Use 22%, and not 22 % (without space between the number and %),

Use 12 kg, and not 12Kg (with space between the number and kg, which should be lowercase),

Use 36.22, and not 36.22 (use period and not comma,

Use 42 mL, and not 42 ml (use uppercase L, according to international standards),

Use 25oC, and not 25 oC (without space between the number and  oC),

Use (P<0.05), and not (P < 0.05) (without space before and after <),

Use 21.79 ± 17.58, and not 21.79±17.58 ( with space before and after ±),

Use R2 = 0.95, and not R2=0.95 (with space before and after =),

Use asterisk in the tables only for the probability P:  (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001).

The use of less known abbreviations should be avoided before they are clearly defined in the text and abbreviated between parentheses.


Tables and figures

It is mandatory that all tables be typed using “Insert table” in the Word menu, in distinct cells (tables where values were separated by ENTER or pasted as pictures will not be accepted). Tables and figures that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to be adequate. They should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals and placed at the end of the manuscript.

Captions should be concise and self-explanatory.

The values in the curves should be represented by contrasting symbols, such as circles, squares, triangles or diamonds (solid or empty).

Curves should be represented in the same figure, thus avoiding excessive information that can compromise the understanding of the graphs.

Use lines with minimum thickness 3/4. When using bar graphs, the filling should have different patterns (lines horizontal, vertical, diagonal, dots, etc.). Shades of gray should be avoided because they are difficult to distinguish in printed articles.

Figures must be exclusively monochromatic.  


Text citations

Authors citations in the text (when between parenthesis) must be uppercase, followed by the year of publication. When there are two authors use & (and commercial), and in the case of three or more, only the first author should be cited, followed by et al. When the authors are not cited between parentheses, only the first letter of each name should be uppercase. If still in doubt, consult recent published papers.


Personal communications (ABNT-NBR 10520)

They must not be part of the references, and should be added as a footnote. The author last name should be followed by the expression “personal communication”, with the date, the name of the institution to which the author is affiliated, the state and the country. 



It is based on the rules established by the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (NBR 6023).

They must be typed in a separate sheet, listed alphabetically by the author surname(s). All authors should be cited.

The authors are entered by the last name(s), followed by the first name initial(s), except for Spanish origin names, when the last two surnames are used.

In case of cities with the same name, the state should be mentioned (ex.: Viçosa, MG; Viçosa, AL; Viçosa, RJ).


Works by a corporate body

The institution is recognized as the author and the name should be written in full, followed by the abbreviation. In the text, only the abbreviation is cited.

When the publisher and the author are the same, only one mention is necessary. Ex:


UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE VIÇOSA (UFV). Sistema de análises estatísticas e genéticas - SAEG. Version 8.0. Viçosa, MG, 2000. 142p.


Books and book chapters

The essentials are: author(s), title and subtitle (if any), followed by the expression “In:”and the complete reference. At the end, page numbers should be informed.

When the publisher is not identified, the expression sine nomine abbreviated, between brackets [s.n.] should follow. When both publisher and local are not identified in the publication, both abbreviated expressions are used between brackets [S.I.: s. n.].



LINDHAL, I.L. Nutrición y alimentación de las cabras. In: CHURCH, D.C. (Ed.) Fisiologia digestiva y nutrición de los ruminantes. 3.ed. Zaragoza: Acríbia, 1974. p.425-434.


HODGSON, D. R.; ROSE, R. J. The Athletic Horse. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1994, p. 497.


Thesis and dissertations

Citation of thesis and dissertations should be avoided. References, when possible, should be articles published in indexed periodicals. However, in case of articles not yet published, the following should be in the reference: author, title, local, university, year, page and area of study. Ex:

FERRAZ, G. C. Respostas endócrinas, metabólicas, cardíacas e hematológicas de eqüinos submetidos ao exercício intenso e à administração de cafeína, aminofilina e clembuterol. Jaboticabal: Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2006. 98p. Tese (Doutorado em Medicina Veterinária) - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, 2006.


Bulletins and reports

ESALQ. Estudo do complexo do agronegócio cavalo. Brasília : Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 2006. 68p. (Coletânea de Estudos Gleba; 40).



The name of the journal should be written in full and bold. The standard for this type of reference does not include local; only volume, issue, pages and year. Ex:

FERRAZ G. C.; TEIXEIRA-NETO, A. R.; MATAQUEIRO, M. I.; LACERDA-NETO, J. C.; QUEIROZ-NETO A. Effects of intravenous administration of caffeine on physiologic variables in exercising horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research, v. 69, n. 12, p. 1670-1675, 2008.


Seminars, meetings, etc.

Citation of works published as summary should be avoided. References, when possible, should be articles published in indexed periodicals. Ex.:

COUROUCÉ, A. Endurance and sprint training. In: CONFERENCE ON EQUINE SPORTS MEDICINE AND SCIENCE, 1998, Cordoba, Espanha. Proceedings The Netherlands: Wageningen Pers, 1998. p.272.

PEREIRA, M. C.; VALADÃO, C. A. A.; FERRAUDO, A. S. Análise multivariada das lesões apendiculares dos eqüinos da raça puro sangue inglês (PSI) no jockey club brasileiro no ano de 2006. In: ENCONTRO DE PÓS-GRADUANDOS DA UNESP, 5., 2008, Jaboticabal. Proceedings... São Paulo: Associação de Pós-graduandos, [2008] (CD-ROM).


Articles and/or reports published on-line

When citing bibliography of material available on-line, the author should always try to cite signed articles, and it is also his responsibility to determine which sources are trustworthy. It is also essential to obtain the electronic address, presented between < >, preceded by the expression “Available in:” and the date on which the document was accessed, also preceded by “Accessed on:”. Ex.:

D'ANGELIS, F. H. F.; FERRAZ, G. C.; BOLELI, I. C.; LACERDA-NETO, J. C.; QUEIROZ-NETO, A. [2005]Aerobic training,but not creatine supplementation, alters the gluteus medius muscle. Journal of Animal Science, v.83, n.3, 2005. Available in:<> Accessed on:  12/12/2008.

REBOLLAR, P.G.; BLAS, C. [2002]. Digestión de la soja integral en rumiantes. Available in: <> Accessed on: 12/10/02.


2.2.     Short communications 


Short communications will be accepted when they include reports of clinical cases, research communications and previous notes.

It contemplates mainly medical areas describing uncommon clinical reports of scientific interest.

The manuscript should be divided into introduction, material and methods, and discussion. It should include title, summary and keywords in English and Portuguese, and the references as well. Short communications should have at the most two illustrations, including tables and any type of figures. These manuscripts are subjected to the same reviewing procedures of full articles; however, considering the peculiarities.



2.3. Review articles


These articles are published by editor's invitation only



Animal Production (Monogastrics)/Produção Animal (Monogástricos)

I SIMPREV (Abstract)


A submissão de artigos está condicionada à inscrição de pelo menos um dos autores, até a data limite estabelecida: 02 de junho a 02 de agosto 2013.


Todos os itens destas normas serão rigorosamente considerados pela comissão científica para
aceite, avaliação e apresentação dos trabalhos que serão submetidos ao simpósio.


1. Cada participante, com sua inscrição devidamente paga, terá direito ao envio de, no máximo, dois trabalhos.
2. Os anais serão publicados como suplemento especial da revista científica Ars Veterinaria, editada na Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, dependendo do número total de trabalhos aprovados pelo simpósio.
3. Os trabalhos poderão ser redigidos em português ou inglês apresentados na forma de RESUMO SIMPLES.
4. Deverão ser originais, oriundos de observações técnico-científicas, trabalhos de extensão (com detalhamento dos resultados obtidos), estudos prospectivos e retrospectivos e relatos de casos com valor para a comunidade científica nas diversas áreas temáticas classificadas. Não serão aceitas revisões de literatura.
5. Os trabalhos não podem ter sido apresentados em outros eventos ou terem sido submetidos a periódicos.
6. As áreas temáticas para submissão de trabalhos ao I Simpósio Internacional de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva: “Novas Tecnologias e Novos Desafios” são:
6.1. Doenças Infecciosas
6.2. Doenças Parasitárias
6.3. Epidemiologia
6.4. Higiene e Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal
6.5. Saúde Pública
6.6. Zoonoses
6.7. Vigilância Ambiental
6.8. Vigilância Sanitária
6.9. Planejamento em Saúde Animal e Saúde Pública Veterinária
7. Somente serão aceitos trabalhos relativos aos eixos especificados acima.
8. O texto deve ser digitado em documento Word (arquivo.doc), espaço 1,5, justificado, fonte Times New Roman, tamanho 12. (Deverão ser mantidas margens de 2,5cm à esquerda, direita, superior e inferior). Os parágrafos devem iniciar a 1,0 cm da
margem esquerda. O corpo do texto deve ter no máximo 300 palavras.
9. O título do trabalho deverá ser apresentado em português, em negrito, letras maiúsculas e centralizado. Após o título em português, deve ser informado o título em inglês, que deverá ser centralizado, entre parênteses, em letras maiúsculas e em itálico.
10. Será permitido um número máximo de seis autores. Devem-se utilizar letras maiúsculas, iniciando-se com as iniciais seguidas de ponto e espaço e, a seguir, o sobrenome (Ex.: J. A. COSTA).
11. Os nomes dos autores deverão ser separados por vírgula, centralizados e em negrito, devem vir logo abaixo do título do trabalho.
12. A titulação e a instituição dos autores devem vir no rodapé informando o endereço eletrônico somente do autor para correspondência, que deverá ser identificado, entre os autores, por um asterisco, após o número de identificação do autor.
13. As citações de autores no texto (quando entre parênteses) deverão ser em letras maiúsculas, seguidas do ano de publicação (Ex.: SMITH, 2000). Quando houver dois autores, usar “&” (Ex.: SMITH & JONES, 2000). No caso de três ou mais autores, citar apenas o primeiro, seguido de et al (SMITH et al., 2000). Quando autores forem citados "fora de parênteses", apenas a primeira letra de cada nome deve ser maiúscula Ex.: Smith & Jones, 2000.
14. Os trabalhos serão submetidos exclusivamente através da home page da Revista Ars Veterinaria ( na sessão I Simpósio Internacional de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva. Os trabalhos enviados estarão isentos da taxa de tramitação exigida pela revista.
15. Todos os trabalhos em desacordo com as normas supracitadas serão automaticamente devolvidos. Em caso de tempo hábil, poderá haver reapresentação para posterior encaminhamento para avaliação da comissão científica. Os resumos que estiverem em acordo com as normas serão enviados para a comissão cientifica do evento, composta por relatores nas diferentes especialidades do tema do simpósio.
16. Os trabalhos serão julgados por corpo de relatores convidado pela comissão científica do I Simpósio Internacional de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva: “Novas Tecnologias e Novos Desafios”. O corpo de relatores pode aceitar ou recusar os trabalhos, não
cabendo revisões do trabalho ou do julgamento.
17. Os casos omissos a estas normas serão submetidos ao Comitê Científico e por ele decididos.
18. As dúvidas sobre quaisquer procedimentos referentes aos resumos encaminhados para este simpósio poderão ser sanadas pelo email: ou tel: (16) 8150-7911.

· Após concluída a submissão do trabalho científico, não será possível a alteração de nenhuma informação. Portanto, atenção ao submeter seu trabalho!

1. Forma de apresentação: PÔSTER.
2. Estará sob responsabilidade dos apresentadores a elaboração dos pôsteres, sua fixação e seu recolhimento no dia da apresentação que estará disponível no site do evento.
3. O pôster deverá ser elaborado na forma de um painel, medindo 0,90m de largura por 1,00m de altura. Deverá conter, com as limitações de praxe, e de forma clara e sintética. Deverá conter, ainda, endereço para contato com os autores.
4. Após o aceite do(s) trabalho(s), ficará disponível, via página oficial do simpósio na internet, o dia e o horário de exposição do(s) mesmo(s).
5. Cada trabalho científico apresentado receberá um certificado, no qual constarão os nomes de todos os autores especificados no resumo; o preenchimento incorreto é de inteira responsabilidade dos autores, portanto não será fornecido novo certificado. Para o recebimento do certificado relativo ao trabalho será obrigatória a exposição do pôster pelo autor apresentador. NÃO SERÃO ENTREGUES CERTIFICADOS A TRABALHOS CUJO APRESENTADOR NÃO COMPARECEU AO EVENTO.

Renata Ferreira dos Santos
Comissão Científica
tel: (16)8150-7911

Prof. Dr. Estevam Guilherme Lux Hoppe
Diretor Científico
e- mail:
telefone: (16) 3209 2646 ramal (215)

Prof. Dra. Adolorata A. Bianco Carvalho
Coordenadora Geral
telefone: (16) 3209 2646 ramal (213)

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed to the journal will be used exclusively by the journal and will not be available to any other use or to third parties.